Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to say you love her?

Diet Coke, that's how.  She sent me to the store for butter and diet coke.  She loves Diet Coke, she goes through a 12 pack in about a week.  So, I went to the store and bought her six and a six pack of bottles, you know, in case she got tired of drinking from a can or wanted to have a bigger drink.
Yeah, she updated her facebook status that night and talked about how she knew I loved her.
Pam and I also recently had our first argument.  It was rough and a little scary but we've come out of it closer than ever and stronger than ever as a couple.  And I smoothed things over with a love letter that she absolutely adores!
How do you say you love somebody?
There are many ways.

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