Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, February 25, 2011

Attempted Hunger Strike?

Lately I've given the dogs more treats and things because Angel is getting a little too skinny.  I've been careful not to disrupt Bo's diet too much by giving Angel more.  I expected Angel to gain some weight and Bo to stay about the same but I did not expect this to lead to greater demands about breakfast.
Angel wants Bo's food and Bo usually wants Angel's food.  I feed them separately to prevent Angel, whose too skinny now as it is from getting diet food, and Bo thinks Angel's is tastier than his own.  So Bo gets fed inside the house and Angel is fed outside the house.
Today Bo decided that if he couldn't have Puppy Chow he would get garbage instead.
My door to my laundry room is in such bad shape that it had to be taken off the hinges just so that I could use the room without walking through the backyard and going around the house constantly.  Bo can smell the garbage in the house and for some reason thinks it smells tasty.  So, as I kept trying to get ready for work he kept figuring out ways to sneak into the garbage.  I put it all out of his reach and blocked the doorway with the door.
I heard the door fall and I yelled.  I rushed to the scene of the crime and found Bo cowering in a corner.  I pointed to his food dish and commanded, "Eat That!"  He never left his cowering position.  That dog knew he was in trouble.
Angel meanwhile was looking up into the house hopefully and completely and totally ignoring her food.  She had complete and total disinterest!  The puppy wanted DIET food!  This might go back to when she barely started living with me, she couldn't chew puppy chow very well, and she liked big dog food better because she could chew it and it was big dog food.
I looked out the window and there she would be, food untouched, looking up at me with puppy eyes expecting the food that she wanted.  The anticipation of getting her way was bright in that young puppy dog face.  "Eat your own food."
Late for work, Bo still hadn't touched his food.  He still sat in his corner with a puppy eyed look saying he was sorry.  I decided that I would have to try getting him to eat at lunch time.  So I left and picked up Pam.  When we drove by the house again Bo was eating Angel's food and Angel was eating poop.
Maybe I should try putting animal fat on the food the way Mom and Dad do to make it smell better to the dogs.  Angel needs the nutrients in puppy food, Bo needs diet food, but animal fat kind of defeats the whole diet concept.  I don't know what to try next.
It's also possible I suppose that Angel wants the privilege of eating inside too.  I love those dogs but wow, Angel ate poop over Puppy Chow.  That sends a message.  If nothing else Bo's food for tomorrow is already dished up.

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