Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentines Week

Between Church meetings, a work pot luck tomorrow, and our final training meeting for new and second year teachers on Wednesday, our week is pretty packed and it ends with Pam going away for the weekend!
At least the pot luck will be in honor of our engagement.  Some of the other teachers who wanted to throw us a party were excited by the opportunity that this afforded, it's Valentine's Day, when else could possibly be better, especially since they were going to do the pot luck anyway?
It's hard for me to understand how there are still teachers who didn't know we were engaged before it was written up on the board.  But whatever, some people just don't catch on to some things or mind their own business, which is fine.
At the other extreme, one teacher in particular keeps expecting us to elope and run away from Pinon and never return.  "You married yet?"  "Nope, still engaged."
Mr. Ambrose, another teacher, was talking to me the other day and had some pretty cool things to say.  He's been married for over 30 years and according to him marriage is fun and its good.  "It's really hard, but at least you're going through it all together."
Well, there might not be a lot of alone time, but I'm determined that my first Valentine's with Pam will, somehow or another be at least slightly romantic.
If nothing else I got her a gift certificate to Build a Bear Workshop which she loves and is looking forward to using.
Tonight was also supposed to be romantic but between meetings, me being an hour late to dinner, and phone calls, yeah, it's going to take some work to make sure Valentine's Week isn't lame.

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