Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Few Days Without My Honey

In a little while my sweetheart and I will drive to Phoenix where I will drop her off for her midnight plane going anywhere.  Sorry, the journey song just popped into my head.  She's actually going East to see some people.  Which means for the next few days I'm going to be on my own.
Being alone doesn't bother me, I've always liked having time to myself to think and to do the random stuff that I do.  Still though, I really love Pam, and I'm really going to miss her.  She needs this though, and it will be good to get a lot of the remaining wedding stuff out of the way.
I just asked Pam when the last time was that we were separated for this long, "Never," she said.  Maybe about 30 hours, "and that was painful," she said.  She has just shown me her countdown to the date, 65 days and I will finally be a married man!  April 23rd, here we come!

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