Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Being Someone's Hero?

In the Fiesta Mall of Mesa, Arizona there were a couple of kids trying to go up the down escalator.  I was on the top floor and needed to go down.  I watched their slow process for a couple of seconds and heard them complain that their legs were starting to hurt.  I quickly decided that I didn't want to wait for them.  I glanced around the up escalator and noticed that no one was on it or around it.
I quickly walked down the escalator.  The boys on the other one stopped and watched me, "Hey, that guy's smart," one observed since I was making much faster progress than they were.  As I passed them in the middle I was informed that I was their hero.
It's odd to think of yourself as being a hero for the simple act of going down an up escalator, you'd think the word would demand something more, more, demanding or something.
Anyway, I was amused by it.

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