Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, July 8, 2011

More Movie Dates

Pam and I love going to the movies, here are the movies we've seen since the last time I wrote about going to the movies with my wife.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, Harry goes on the run as the Death Eaters take over the Ministry of Magic and he continues his search for more horcruxes to destroy.  The movie ended in the exact place that I hoped it would.  Part II is looking like it won't disappoint.

Hop is a family film about how a human became the Easter Bunny.  That pretty much gives away the ending but I don't feel guilty since they tell you in the first five minutes that it will happen.  It's a good film that I love quoting to my students since it confuses them, "This is a coup de tat, which is French for Coup de tat!"

Thor, the Norse God of Thunder and now a comic book hero on the silver screen.  I liked how they portrayed the Bifrost Bridge as being a device to open worm holes and also how they explained the world tree.  I have always enjoyed how the comics have been true to the old stories to an extent, the movie in turn was also true to the comics and therefore to the old mythology.  Thor is not with Sif in this movie, which confused me but worked with the plot of the story they decided to tell.

Kung Fu Panda 2, This movie makes me very excited for when they make a third.  That said, I think trilogies are usually sufficient (If they keep it up though with the quality and comedy lots of people will keep paying to see up to 7 of these films).  This movie dealt with how to find peace even when terrible things have happened to you.  It's very funny when a gruff villain tries to describe his panda foe and all he can come up with is cute and cuddly.  "I still have so many questions, like why didn't I like pants?"  To find out more you'll just have to watch the movie.

X - Men First Class: A great film about how it all began.  I enjoyed the alternate history that they through in, they were pretty true to real history in a lot of ways.  The Cuban Missile Crisis was really a lot more serious than it was portrayed in the movie, there were already missiles in Cuba by the time we found out about it and there were a lot more ships than one bringing arms to Cuba.  There was only one part in which the movie went too far, when a dead bad guy is displayed in the form of a crucifix.

Green Lantern is a movie that doesn't deserve the reviews that its gotten.  A lot of people can't take the actor seriously as a superhero but obviously they didn't watch the movie.  Being a Green Lantern is all about Will Power and the ability to overcome fear - abilities that exist in every human being.  Doesn't matter what a person looks like, everyone has that ability; and that's what the movie is all about.

Transformers: The Dark of the Moon, hands down the best Transformers movie of the franchise.  I am not a big fan of the 2nd movie.  This one has a lot of interesting ideas.  Megan Fox of course is gone, which is a HUGE plus.  I hadn't noticed till this film how useless and annoying her character was.  Megan got fired after making Nazi jokes about Michael Bay, the director of the film series.  When your producer, aka the main boss, is a Jew you don't call your co-workers Nazis.  It just shows a serious lack of intelligence.  The new girl who has no acting experience is a better actress than Megan Fox, that's just sad.  The movie is jam packed with action.
A guy in the theater actually had 3-D glasses built into an Optimus Prime mask.  It was kind of cool and kind of funny at the same time.

Mr. Popper's Penguins, Jim Carrey finds himself the new owner of six penguins in this family film.  What would you do with six flightless birds?  Watch the movie, maybe you'll get some ideas of what not to do as well.  Jim Carrey gets the chance in this movie to be funny, which he is good at, and serious which he is MUCH better at.

Cars 2, the first Cars was all about Lightning McQueen's journey, this movie is all about Mater.  Be ready for laughs if you go see it.  There are several throw backs to James Bond in the film, but that's not really what its about.  See the movie, have fun.

You might wonder why I like all the movies I see, simple, I don't spend money on movies I don't think I'll enjoy, for that its television, in which case I have a remote control to change the channel or to turn off the unpleasant thing.  And I certainly wouldn't take my wife to a movie that sucks.  My favorite of these was Kung Fu Panda 2, which surprisingly was even better than the first one.

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