Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dogs are Back

Due to all the things that would be going on when we got back to Pinon I decided that it was best to leave Bo and Angel in Utah for awhile.  It was great to be able to get a lot done on moving and on the lawns.  The dogs are back in Arizona and up to their old tricks again of digging out under the fences and running off.

I've also gone back to trying to figure out shade for them in the back, which failed miserably last year, but hopefully, using what I've learned should be fine this year.

In addition to the dogs being back, I've also come back to writing posts on the blog, this is number 15 this month, crazy huh?  I'm pretty sure this catches everyone up with what's been going on in my life the last couple of months.  Pretty much the only things that has been left out was how the school year ended and this week.

The school year ended in a very stressful manner.  Everyone suddenly realized that if they didn't pass my class they would have to repeat next year.  I HATE the end of the year.  Between all the extra work that should have been done months ago there is also inventory and check out.  I'm just glad that its over with and that I've learned new things that will help me with next year.

Next year I will no longer be teaching US History, I will instead get three World History classes and two Spanish I classes!

Pam's friend Angela who was also one of her bridesmaids is just hours away from getting here.  She has been hired to be a math teacher in the high school.  Emma, Pam's Maid of Honor, has been hired as an Elementary Music Teacher and she will also be to Pinon soon.

This week I've been working on the IAPG for Spanish, it was harder than the History ones I did but I still finished it in two days.  I've also been writing lesson plans.  Now I'm chilln' in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Pam's going to sell some of the old instruments to get money for new ones and I'm just kind of along for the ride.  Albuquerque is a much bigger city than I thought it was and it looks like a fun place, guess I'll know more tomorrow.

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