Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, July 8, 2011

Funeral of Betty Marie Locke Maynard

Picture of Grandma Maynard holding Ella, her most recent Great-Grandchild.

On the 24th we drove to Utah and stopped in Price.  Then we finished our journey on the 25th, stopping briefly in Murray to drop off Happy the Puppy.  Pam and I traveled the 25th in the clothing we would wear to the funeral later that day.  As mentioned in earlier postings, my Grandma Maynard passed away.

One thing that was nice about the funeral is that all of us were involved in one way or another.  I wish I had a program handy right now to go through it.  The kids read memories that were written by various family members and friends.  I read Brooklyn's and my own.

I talked about how proud Grandma was of my Dad.  She spoke often of his accomplishments both as a child and an adult.  She often called me by his name since out of all her Grandchildren I look the most like him.

I also spoke about her love of family history work and the temple and the great example that she was to us.  Her life was extended by the Lord many times so that she could continue that work and to show us her example.  She and my Dad inspired me to learn more about history, especially the Vikings.

I finished up by talking about how the temple had blessed Grandma just recently.  She was finally reunited with her waiting husband.

Sean read her life story and interject funny bits here and there that really added a lot of heart to the service.  Keith's talk was also deeply personal as he spoke about how Ali had come to understand death and how much faith his little daughter has.  My brothers have very different styles of public speaking, both of which were heartfelt and touched me.  In other words, bros, you got style.

It was one of the best funerals I think I have ever attended.  The great grandchildren sang as my sister Evelyn played the piano and my wife Pam played the flute.  The music was just absolutely gorgeous.  The songs were "I am a Child of God" and "Families can be Together Forever."  (Pam is an amazing flute player, she also played a fantastic number at her Grandpa Miller's funeral.)  My Mother and Sisters also did a special musical number together that was amazing.

I and the other grandchildren who were there, so basically just my siblings, were able to join the children for Families can be Together Forever.  I noticed that Audrey was crying and having a hard time with the song; so I decided to share a personal experience I had with that very song.

19 years ago my Grandpa Maynard passed away and at his funeral I sang that very same song.  Ever since that time that music always made me sad because it was a reminder that I had lost someone important, someone I wished that I could have been closer to and known better.  I was about Audrey's age and my family had just moved to Amalga, Utah when the congregation started to sing the song again.  I cried.  A still small voice in my mind asked me, "Brent, why are you crying?"  I answered, "Because my Grandpa is dead."  The still small voice said to me, "Brent, listen to the words of the song."  Then, I cried tears of joy, for I finally understood the true meaning of the song and allowed the Spirit of Joy to fill my soul.  Audrey smiled and thanked me for sharing that with her.

Grandma's body was then taken to California where she would have a second funeral for the other half of her family and where her body would be taken to its resting place until the day of the resurrection.

There aren't many spots like this these days since my sister Evelyn and her family moved to North Carolina.  It's good to see all the kids together again.  This was taken after the funeral.

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