Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Saturday, November 19, 2011

846 Dollars Later

This trip to Ohio is turning out to be a lot more expensive than we anticipated, but we are just thankful at this point that things are working out and we are finally about to take off.  The dog kennel that was going to care for our animals didn't stay open the way they had promised to, which meant that we had to wait till they opened to put our animals in.

This meant that we had to change our plane tickets.  Instead of landing in Ohio at 4 we are now going to get there at 10, but at least we are still getting there.  I was prepared to talk about the pet resort in a very negative light due to the expense of changing our tickets which resulted from their broken promises.  I was thinking of even going to the Better Business Bureau and printing off fliers talking about how promises and customer service aren't priorities at that business.

I do appreciate though that they were very apologetic and very professional with us when we got there.  We aren't happy with them but at least I've cancelled my vendetta against them, for now, those dogs better be in great shape when we get back.  They seem like great people and I understand the reasons why they couldn't stay open, but honestly another 5 to 10 minutes, that they had promised to give us anyway wouldn't have killed them.

Luckily the hotel we stayed at in Flagstaff allowed pets with a 20 dollar fee.  I got to walk the dogs last night and this morning, which is something I haven't been able to do as often since I started coaching.

Pam and I also got to eat a nice meal at Buffalo Wild Wings, which is always a treat.

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