Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bo, you idiot

Something very exciting during our time back in Pinon between the breaks was that Pam had her back yard finished, a yard that is about twice the size of mine.  We put all three dogs back there and watched as they explored and played in their new area.  I concluded pretty quickly that this was a better place for them and that they would be happier here than in my back yard.
We placed some bricks at crucial places so that the dogs would stay in their new home.  I then went back to my house to get ready for the Ward Christmas Party.  While I was driving back to pick up Pam I saw Bo and Clara running down the street together.  I pulled over called over the dogs to me and put them in the truck.  It was very easy, which was nice.  I tried to talk to Pam about how the dogs had gotten out, she didn't know they were out since she had checked on them two minutes before and she pointed to the backyard saying they were still there.  I explained that I had the dogs, except for Angel, who for some reason can't fit through the fence that Bo can even though Bo is still a much bigger dog.  Weird.
During the Christmas party, while I was doing the Christmas Program we got a call from the Fowles, Bo and Clara were out and Angel was MIA.  Pam took my keys and went to find Angel.  Bo and Clara were at the Fowles.
Angel was right where she was supposed to be, good dog.  When Pam opened the gate to check on her, she decided to run to find Bo and Clara and wouldn't go back to Pam who had to chase her, Bad dog.  Pam was out of breath and very angry at the dogs for the rest of the evening.
Bo, meanwhile, decided to climb up on the Fowles table and eat all of the food on it.  Jeff, being like me, very devoted to food, was very upset.
Fast forward twenty four hours, Bo, my house trained dog decided to lift up a leg to my hotel bed.  Dumb dog.

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