Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to the Grindstone

2011 is here already and I still haven't wrapped up 2010!  This is pretty much the reason why my journal writing resolutions never last long, I always get so determined to keep up that I fall behind.  I went back to work later than I thought I would.  I really needed to get back in there on the 28th, but after driving all day on the 27th I just wanted to relax for a while.  Yeah, I didn't get back to the school until 2011.
Work has been going really well so far this year.  I got my classroom cleaned up and had several posters laminated, so that they are now ready to hang.  Classes have started well for the most part.  I decided to grade a work sheet today, in one class, all but five people turned it in.  All but five people are now failing that class.  Little hiccups like that don't bother me though, the kids need to learn that I'm serious and that they need to be responsible.  And its not like I won't change the grades once they hand in the work.
With everything that I threw out of my room, my trash can weighed over 80 pounds.  And people call me a pack rat, ha.  (Yeah, those people are right - who has 80 pounds of paper trash in a classroom?)  The good news, my room is free of tons of clutter, the bad news, I hurt my back doing it.
People at work have been very helpful so far this year, it has been much nicer than last month when it felt like I was being teamed up on.
So basically what's going to happen now is that I am going to go back and forth in time since I really, really want to talk about Christmas and such and wrap up 2010 as a year, it was a pretty big year for me after all.

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