Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Wild Dogs of Pinon

The other week Pam and I went out for Pizza.  There was a cute dog sitting outside the door.  As we left Pam told it that it was cute.  The dog started to follow us to the car wagging its tail.  She sternly told the dog that it had not found a home with us and that we already had too many animals.  The dog kept following us.  When it realized that we weren't going to give it anything and that we weren't taking it with us it got angry and started barking at the car and moving in front of it so that we couldn't leave.
Another dog in the parking lot saw the fun and decided to join in.  Every time that Pam moved the car the dogs jumped in front of it to bark at us and refused to let us past.  I had gone through something similar with another dog and had gotten it to go away by leaving the car and chasing it.  I offered a few times but Pam was determined to leave the parking lot.  Finally I jumped out of the car and send the dogs cowering away.  Apparently I am more frightening than an SUV.
A few days later I saw three dogs trying to tackle a bull who was in turn trying to gore them with its impressive horns.  Had I had any time I would have stopped the car to watch.  Sometimes I wonder about the animals out here.
I felt a lot of sympathy for a dog I met who had a face full of porcupine quills until I found out that it was the second time that dog had bothered the exact same porcupine.  I still felt sympathetic since I could tell that it was in a lot of pain but I also couldn't help laughing at it.  You would think that it would have learned its lesson the first time.

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