Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Game Night With my Honey

Last night was a lot of fun.  Pam and I were both tired from a long week but neither of us wanted to go to sleep too early for fear that we wouldn't sleep that night and wouldn't be awake for General Conference.
As we were setting up the first game Dad called and I had a good chat with him.
Then the Nano Engineered War was on.  In this game you construct creatures and go to war with each other over natural resources.  Pam won all the water battles and I took all the land battles.  Luckily most of the battles were fought on land which enabled me to dominate.  It was a fun game, Pam wants to play it again with more people.
We attempted to play one of my favorite computer games - Risk for Windows 95, but unfortunately it is just too low tech to play on newer computers.  It was sad, so we had to give up on Risk since neither of us has a board, yet.
We played a fun game of Marvel Scene It which Pam also had fun with and I also won.  The Marvel Scene It game is a lot of fun but I think they should make another edition if they haven't already.  The game was from before there was a Silver Surfer movie, before Spiderman 3, before the Wolverine Origins Movie, and now with all the great ones coming out this year especially Thor, it seems like they could make a whole new game.
After Scene It I showed Pam some World of Warcraft clips and talked a bit about that game.  I used to play World of Warcraft but its just become too expensive to pay the monthly fee for me.
That of course got us in the mood for Munchkin Impossible which we had a lot of fun with.  We played up till Level 20, we both made it to Level 19 before Pam won the game.  The Munchkin games allow you to create a character that has classes, training, and loyalties all with advantages and disadvantages.  This particular game makes fun of spy movies, so its very Cold War and James Bond.  We had a lot of fun with it and that's how we ended the night of games.

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