Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Last Few Days - The Xander Saga

So Xander isn't here yet, but oh buddy it has been a long couple of days getting to where we've gotten to.

So Pam's Mom was coming in today from Ohio to the Flagstaff Airport and landing at about noon.  I was supposed to be in Page at a wrestling tournament.  Pam was going to travel to Flagstaff alone and pick up Jane and Emma was going to be on call to pick me up if anything happened to Pam.  That was the plan.

Pam is very close to having Xander and I wasn't comfortable going to Page.  I presented the facts to the Principal and Vice Principal and they agreed with me and sent me on a quest to find a new chaperone to take my place.  However they weren't interested in me going to Flagstaff before school got out.  They felt that Pam and I should wait till 3:20 to go and pick up Mom, something that Pam wasn't willing to do.  So the plan changed: Pam was going to Flagstaff to pick up Mom and Emma and I would follow after Super Saturday.  When I told the Principal the new plan he looked really guilty.

There was another thing that started out as a terrible thing that became a blessing.  In the district we are only allowed to take 3 days off at a time, any more than that and we need district approval.  That was going to mean that I would have to return to Pinon on Monday, because of our car situation, and not be with Pam in the hospital.  I contacted Wallen, our superintendent but heard nothing back.  I was very distraught about the whole thing, but not as much as Pam was.  Mr. Wallen came to the high school and was in the same conference room that I needed to go to!  Mr. Wallen didn't even think about it or hesitate to give me four days of leave to be with Pam.  That moment was truly wonderful and it changed our whole day for the better.

I got to school this morning worrying about Pam traveling alone and knowing that I was going to teach all day even though I had written sub plans for the day.  I saw off the wrestling bus and wished my team luck in the tournament.  I entered my classroom and discovered that I had a sub!  I left the room and talked with Kim, an administrator, got permission to leave, ran out of the school and called Pam.  Quickly I prepared the next week's lessons and got into the truck with Pam and left Pinon.

I really feel that Heavenly Father has been looking out for our family these last couple of days.  He made it possible for me to be with Pam for her whole hospital stay with Xander and he made it possible for me to be with her as she travelled.  Neither of these things looked likely 36 hours ago.  I am very grateful for all that has been made possible for us.

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