Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, January 6, 2012

27 Years

I've just written the Top Moments of 2011 posting and I've read over the Top Moments of 2010 posting.  It has made me think a little bit about the top moments of life, especially since tomorrow morning at around 2 I will turn 27 years old!

Marrying the love of my life who is the most intelligent, beautiful, and wonderful woman
Finding out I was having a son with that woman
Having a Honeymoon with her

Graduating from college
Getting my first job in my career
Finding Pam!!!
Falling in love with Pam
Getting Engaged to Pam
Being with Pam

2007 - 2009
College Years
Hawaii Trip
(Sometimes these felt like the between years that I was just trying to get through.  Sometimes they felt like adventures, especially with all the women I was dating.  Mostly though I loved college, I loved being in class and learning with the people I was there with.  Would I redo High School, Middle School or Elementary - Never in a million years; would I redo college?  In a heartbeat, you bet I would.)

Getting home from my mission
Restarting college
Dating again (I hadn't been on one in two years)

Becoming a Senior Companion
Becoming a District Leader
Having the opportunity to take younger Elders under my wing
Helping other Elders with their problems
Getting more Spanish mastered
Helping people come to Christ

Entering the MTC on my birthday
Struggling with Spanish
Bringing people to Christ through baptism

Going through the Temple for my Endowment
Getting my Mission Call
Graduation from High School
Eagle Court of Honor

Turning 16, it was finally time to start dating

Working at Camp New Fork
Getting my first college credits while still in High School

Well, it's now just past midnight which means it's now my birthday.  I have to wake up early for a wrestling tournament that I am coaching for.  In 2000 that's also where I spent my birthday, at a wrestling tournament, the person misheard and announced that I had turned 50.  Oh well, this is as good a place as any to stop.  I count about thirty things with almost a third of them happening in the last two years.  Wow, the last couple of years really have been crammed full of stuff.

Pam, if you're reading this, I love you.
Later everybody.  If you see me wish me Happy Birthday!

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