Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, January 20, 2012

Oops Moments of 2011

This was another list that I did last year.  I don't think this year's list will be as long or as funny but let's see what I have to work with.  I really didn't make as many stupid mistakes as I did in 2010, so maybe I am getting a little wiser with age.

Dental Emergency
 - The day before my wedding I lost half a tooth.  This story begins in 1994 when my brother Keith knocked out half of one of my teeth by accident while we were playing hockey in Oregon.  The dentists replaced what was lost with an artificial half tooth.  An artificial half tooth that decided to come out the day before my wedding.  I panicked and called Pam about my Dental Emergency.  We talked about it and came to the conclusion that no one could really even tell in the first place that half the tooth was different and now that it was gone my smile hadn't changed much.  Of course that was after I tried to rearrange the wedding so that the cameras wouldn't catch my new disfigurement.

Locked In at Wal-Mart
 - In Delaware, Ohio Pam and I were staying at a hotel that shared a parking lot with Wal-Mart.  So I went over there to the redbox or to pick things up a lot.  One evening I went over there really late.  I looked at the movies for a while and then went into the bathroom.  When I emerged from the bathroom I discovered that the store had closed and that I had been locked in.  There were no people in sight and I began to wonder how I was going to get home to see my wife, I did NOT want to spend the night in the store.  I went to the doors and saw the sign that said to push in case of emergency. I decided that this was an emergency and I pushed gently.  The door popped open and I exited.  I stood outside the store for a while trying to figure out how to put the door back in and finally left it like that.

Fire in the Microwave!
 - So I decided to help my wonderful and beautiful pregnant wife right, because I'm that kind of guy.  I was reheated some food from Olive Garden for her.  She didn't find out about my mistake until the next day.  Along with the food that heated without incident I also heated up breadsticks.  Breadsticks that caught fire!  Breadsticks bags from Olive Garden have foil in them, they aren't microwave safe!

Blown Transmission
 - Most of the moments are funny, there is nothing funny about this one though.  The truck burned its own transmission fluid.  At first we were thinking it was oil problems but the more I saw the fluid that was coming out of the truck the more convinced I became that it was transmission problems.  Since I don't know much about cars people didn't listen to me and now the car sits on a curb - it won't even go into neutral.  However by the time I started to figure things out it was already getting to a point where it was beyond saving.  I wish we could have figured things out a bit sooner!  Because of the cost my wife now wants to kill me, or blow up our trucks, whatever is easier.

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