Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Well, this week has been rough since Pam has been so sick.
Monday she was feeling great but the later it got the more ill she became.  Tuesday morning she got up and decided to sleep on the bathroom floor because of how sick she felt.  She missed Tuesday.  I came home for a short lunch break and she asked me to drive her to the hospital.
I rushed back to work and informed them of the situation then I drove like a maniac to Tuba City.  The ER had no idea what was wrong with her.  They ran all sorts of tests and only one of them was conclusive, that she had a high white blood cell count, so obviously she had some sort of infection.  They also pumped three liters of fluids into her system since she was severely dehydrated from not being able to keep down any fluids.  She was feeling better for awhile on the trip home but the lines in the street started to make her sick, then the bumpy dirt road didn't help her much either.
Wednesday I took over an hour off work to nurse Pam.  She hadn't gotten up out of bed at all that day and hadn't had any fluids or food whatsoever.  I got her out of bed and made her some herbal tea.  Jeff and I gave her a blessing that evening.
Pam was unable to turn her head at all without feeling very dizzy and nauseous; she also couldn't touch her neck without feeling a lot of pain.
On Thursday she got an appointment with a specialist in Flagstaff for 2:00, she had planned on going by herself but I wouldn't allow it.  If she gets sick when she turns her head and the lines on the street make her whine about how she can't stand to look at the road anymore because the sight of it is going to make her barf, I don't see how it is safe or productive for her to drive herself.  Because she was going to drive herself I went into all out panic mode, got the day off, rushed to her house and stuck her in my car.
Unlike the ER the specialist didn't need to run any tests she knew immediately just by looking exactly what Pam had.  Tonsillitis and strep throat combination, apparently her tonsills were saturated in puss.
The new doctor cancelled all the old prescriptions since they weren't doing anything anyway and prescribed other drugs and lots of them.  It's amazing how having the right medications for the right illness can improve things so dramatically.  Pam went from the verge of death to thinking everything was bright and happy with the world literally overnight.
Since Pam was doing so well we went and saw Rango and did some shopping on Friday and Pam even got to eat real food!

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