Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, March 11, 2011

Movie Dates

Going to change subjects here.  I want to talk more about the conference because it was really wonderful but I just saw some movies with my honey and a couple of changes in subject never hurt anybody.
Pam and I have seen Tangled, Rango, I Am Number 4, and Red Riding Hood in theaters.
Tangled was fun, a story of a young sheltered woman trying to follow her dreams and go out into the world, the show was stolen completely by a horse.
Rango is a very funny movie, not sure that I would bring young kids to it though.  Several characters die in the movie and they use profanity.  Rango works to build up a reputation for himself in a new town, very entertaining.
I Am Number Four is a fun sci-fi action flick.  A young man is being hunted because of his special abilities and he is faced with a choice, stand and fight or continue to run.
Red Riding Hood was fantastic.  Gary Oldman was wonderful to watch, as always.  The director is well known for teen angst movies, for love stories, and the first Twilight movie.  This kicks the crap out of Twilight.  It's a better story, pure and simple.  It blends horror with romance and definitely was more of a romance than it was a horror.
It also had many themes, how young men find their courage, witch hunting, the use of torture, radicalism, survivor's guilt, standing up to evil, how evil exists in the human heart, true love vs arranged marriage, and that's all that I can think of right now.
It also blends many wolf stories together, it was fun to see how they depicted many of the old fairy tales in one movie.
Out of all the movies I've seen with Pam at the theaters I have to say I like Red Riding Hood the best, all of them are good and worthy of recommendation.

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