Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Looking Forward to Tomorrow

Well, here I am in Scottsdale, Arizona.  I honestly haven't taken any time whatsoever to look around.  By the time I got here traffic was terrible and I was sick of driving.  I pretty much just crashed in the hotel room and indulged in TV.
The school decided to send me to a seminar on how to teach the Holocaust in the classroom.  Tomorrow I'll be hearing from several speakers including Holocaust survivors.  I am very excited for this conference.  I have been looking forward to this for a couple of months now.  Since the cost of attendance was only 65 dollars I volunteered to pay for it myself, but since it was cheap the school district decided to not only pay for the conference but also to put me up in this hotel room for the night, the room costs almost double as the conference!  And I have to admit, it is a very nice room.
I've been so concerned for Pam lately because of her mysterious illness that just about killed her on Tuesday; in addition to not being able to keep down any fluids she also had a weak heart beat by the time the ER could see her.  Who knew that Tonsillitis could be so nasty?  It feels great to know that she is safe and that thanks to a correct diagnosis and correct medication that she will be just fine.
I had practically given up on the idea of going to this conference at all.  I thought I'd be spending time taking care of Pam and making sure that she was all right.  She told me that no matter what happened that she wanted me to go to the conference, but if she had stayed in the condition she was in Tuesday, she wouldn't have been in any condition to argue.
It feels good to be here, it feels good knowing that things have worked out for the best.  The only thing that could make it better would be if Pam was with me instead of being all the way back in Pinon.
I love my Pam, and I'll see her soon.
(Something funny about Tonsillitis that I had to attempt to explain today to Jeff.  Tonsils cannot be removed while infected with Tonsillitis, apparently its a very bad idea.  So, to remove the problem that is making the person unhealthy, you have to wait till the person is healthy again.  The function of the tonsills is to act as a filter for your body.  Bad stuff that would make you sick hits them and gets blocked from infecting you.  However, if you get sick enough the tonsills stop working properly and get infected themselves, basically you have a bad filter and it needs to be removed.  The tonsills can't be removed while they are infected however, so they need to get healthy again before the operation.  But why remove now healthy tonsills you might ask?  Basically because they're not functioning properly anymore, the person basically has a choice, keep getting Tonsillitis for the rest of his or her life or remove the faulty filters.  The thing that sucks though is that your tonsils which were protecting you from getting sick are gone and you don't get new ones.  Once they get as bad as Pam's though they aren't working anymore and they're basically making it worse than if you didn't have them.  Woo hoo, I'm learning about science.)

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