Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Date Day

Yesterday Pam and I went out and did some shopping both together and separately.  I'll have to take a picture of the pyramid of gifts that I wrapped for my darling beautiful wife.  That night we also finally got to see Breaking Dawn part I.

So Pam and I have had a great day today.

We started the day with a breakfast and then went to have our family portraits taken!  The photos we took were Christmas pictures and Maternity pictures.  Since we were dressed up and spiffy looking anyway we ate out at Olive Garden.

We came home for a nap.  Afterward we went and saw Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, which was an excellent movie.

After the movie we went to Gracie's Birthday Party.  We came home from the party and we are about to watch Kung Fu Panda II.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Almost There!

Christmas Vacation is almost here!  As a teacher you quickly learn that vacations are for teachers, not the students.  Teachers have the opportunity to come back to the New Year refreshed, revitalized, full of new goals and aspirations to make the second semester work even better than the first.

I am looking forward to so many things over the holiday, including the various surprises that I'm cooking up for Pam.  It's going to be a great couple of weeks.  I'm also really looking forward to seeing the family again.

It's been my goal to read a book every month.  I started in June and I have 30 pages left of book number 7! So who knows, maybe I'll get an 8th book read while I'm there?  I've posted the books I've read for the students to see.  They say its good for our students to see us reading, a sort of lead by example sort of thing.

A Day in Dublin

 Dublin seems like such a strange town in Ohio for a lot of reasons.  One of the principal reasons being the giant frog statue commemorating their oldest community event, the Frog Races!

 I love this place.  Where else can you get a kosher bagel and then have them put bacon on it?  It's really good food too.

 The field of corn is one of the strangest sights I think.  It is a monument to the fact that all of Dublin was once a cornfield.

 I will eat you!

 Pam with an old friend who is also expecting!
I got her flowers and a teddy.

Early Christmas in Ohio and Thanksgiving too

 We decided to give the kids their gifts early.

Pam's family was great.  We stayed up most of the night playing a game called Battle of the Sexes.  The women won, it was a close game, but they won.

The Coolest Pop Machine Ever

So, we were at the Miller's on the Friday after Thanksgiving to have a Thanksgiving with them.  There is a new machine that mixes pop with different flavors.  There are over 36 different combinations in all.  All at once most of us jumped up left the house, right before dinner, and got ourselves the unique beverages.  It was a lot of fun.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Home from Ohio

Coming back to Pinon has been good and hard.  It's been hard because a week off didn't feel like enough, especially since Christmas feels so close.  It's been good because I've been so excited for the wrestling season and for teaching Spanish and History.

History has been nice to teach this year.  I've learned so much from my mistakes last year and from working with other teachers that the overall progress and quality of the class is much better.  I am very happy with how things are going.  I work with Jeff a lot since he is also teaching World History this year.  Last year he was my mentor and this year I am his.  It's funny how things like that work out.  There are a lot of positives and negatives to our working relationship but we make it work.

With Spanish I feel like a first year teacher again.  At the same time though I have a lot of good strategies and games that the kids really like.  I also have them do a research project at the end of every month.  I'm always excited for what they will come up with.  Even though they whine about the project, constantly, and even though most of them don't get it done on time - it is the favorite part of the class for many students.

Here I've taught US/Arizona History, World History, and Spanish I.  I've also taken charge of the Yearbook, the Newspaper, and the Wrestling Team.  I've also given serious consideration to one day coaching Cross Country somewhere.  A lot feels uncertain right now, even so I am optimistic; and I have reason to be.  I have a gorgeous wife and a boy on the way.  I am able to teach History, Spanish, and English as a Second Language.

We have truly started a grand adventure, an adventure that we am determined to live to the fullest.

Wrestling Season so Far

We went to Joseph City on Wednesday and had a great meet.  This is the email that I sent out to other teachers to let them know how we did...

We wrestled three team duels, the winners were determined by team points

Joseph City beat us in the first one 36 to 28

We crushed NPA 42 to 24

We defeated Many Farms 36 to 24

Our team did excellent at the meet with several pins and a few major decisions.

Jeff talked about the same meet with a bit more detail...
"Pinon wrestled yesterday, December 7th, at the Joseph City Multiple.  The wrestlers who participated were:  the younger Teller, Winfred Yazzie, Francis, Tsosie-Hood, Teller, Spencer, Tsosie, Nez, and Reyes.  We wrestled well, and came in second in a four-team meet.
            "Pinon started slow, and suffered some early pins.  This trend was reversed, however, when Teller managed to pin his Joseph City opponent in the second period.  Nez won the next match on a major decision (winning by over eight points at the end of time).  Reyes was then awarded an injury default victory, in a heavyweight bout with Joseph City, after the Joseph City wrestler strained his knee trying to “break down” Reyes.
            "After wrestling Joseph City, Pinon drew Northland Preparatory Academy.  After having been bloodied in our first bouts, Pinon came out with something to prove.  Tsosie pinned his opponent in just a minute and 13 seconds.  Teller came out like a madman – with a chip on his sholder, and chased his opponent all over the ring.  He pinned him – after giving up a reverse in a minute and nine seconds.  Yazzie, excited at finally getting to wrestle after a year, took exactly 12 seconds to pin his opponent.  The only problem – Winfred – is that it was exhibition and he was wrestling above his weight class.

            "We finished the evening with a challenging bout with Many Farms.  Thanks to Pins by Spencer, Teller, Nez, Tsosie, and Reyes (exhibition).  Pinon defeated Many Farms by a team score of 36 to 24."

On Friday we went to Ganado for another multiple tournament.  There were 8 teams there including us and we were able to wrestle with 4 of them.  Out of those 4 matches we won 3 as a team.

We started our day against Monument Valley High School.  We dominated the school from Kayenta.  I was surprised at the sheer number of pins that we got.  We defeated them 48 to 25.  I was very disappointed that my camera wasn't working during the match because I wanted pictures of those pins.  I was very proud.

Pride comes before the fall and fall we did against Red Mesa.  36 to 24, some of the same students who had wrestled so well against MVHS fell and were pinned in embarrassing short periods of time.  We did have several wrestlers have great matches in which they kept our team alive by their own pins.  After MVHS I think we were too confident for our own good.  Perhaps that is why the wrestlers who went later on did better.  (Of course the camera was working then so I now have pictures of my team getting pinned.)

Chinle Wildcats fought hard against us but in the end our wrestlers were better.  The final score was 45 to 30.  It was a match that really could have gone either way.

The last team we wrestled was Wingate.  We were able to defeat them 32 to 24.  Several of those matches were close, others our wrestlers completely dominated.  Nez won by Technical Fall, meaning that he won by 15 points.  Watching him wrestle was like watching my old cat Flip play with mice before finally finishing them off.  The victory wasn't as sweet however as I would have liked since I needed to spend time with one of my students in the Emergency Room.  He lost his bout because of his injury.  The poor kid from Wingate felt so bad about it and was very apologetic.

I'm excited about the great start that we've had so far.  Holbrook was a tournament that I was excited for but it got snowed out.  Teams that had traveled and were there anyway got to wrestle still in a mini tournament but we weren't able to make it there.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Pig

Grandpa Miller's pig was finally busted open today by Malcolm and Pamela, his grandchildren, which was his wish.  The pig contained over 400 dollars of spare change that he had collected over the years which got spilt between the grandchildren.  It was a fun day at the Miller house.


We went bowling with Pam's Mom, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin Nicki, her husband, and kids.  We had a lot of fun.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

German Village

Pamela and her Grandma Miller took me to German Village in downtown Columbus.  It was a very different part of town.  It is the largest privately owned restored area.

Bricks and more bricks both in the buildings and to make the streets.  Grandma Miller and I even discussed brick making over lunch, that Nauvoo tour really paid off.  We ate at one of the more famous restaurants in Columbus because of its good traditional German food.  I felt very tired and kind of out of it for the whole trip there, probably why I didn't take that many pictures.  My body has felt very off lately.  During the day I'm exhausted and at night I'm wide awake.

These are pictures of the restaurant that we had lunch in.  It was very good food and I can tell now why Pam was missing it so much.  I've learned that I am a fan of German food.

Conversations Late at Night

Pam and I called it a day pretty early tonight since we were both tired.  Unfortunately for me I have not been able to go to bed before three am at all this whole trip.  Pam's woken up a few times already tonight.
"What time is it?"
"10:30 in the morning?"
"No, its 10:30 PM."
"Oh Crap."

"I'm thirsty."
"What would you like?"
"Would you like a Diet Coke?"
"Uh huh."
"Okay I'll get you a Diet Coke."
"No I don't want that."
"What do you want, do you want milk?"
"Do you want milk?"
"I'll get you some milk then."
"No, I don't want that."
"What do you want then?"
"I've already told you."
"What did you tell me?"
"Okay, I'll get milk."
"No, it's okay, just stay here."

(Me thinking oh no what have I done now)
"They're trying to tell me to sleep on the floor, can you believe that?"
(Me wondering what's going on)
"I told them that THEY are going to sleep on the floor!  NOT me!"
(Me figuring out that she is talking about a dream or something.) "You tell them sweet heart."

All in all its been an interesting night, it's now past 12 Ohio time and Pam and I are now wide awake.  I'm wondering if I'm going to have anymore sleep conversations with my wife tonight, and I'm not sure what she's wondering.  I love my Pam.

I love to see the Temple in Columbus

It's hard to imagine that it was a year ago that we visited this very temple.  Pam had not yet been baptized.  She had met my father, but no one else in my family.  She had never been to a sacrament meeting outside of Pinon.  We were just newly engaged.  Her grandfather had just passed away.  So many things in just the course of one year.  And in June we are coming back to this temple to go inside of it.

I don't remember these statues of the Nativity from last year, but I was very impressed with their detail.  I look forward to the birth of my own son, grateful that in all probability it will not be in a stable.  I am very happy that Pam and I are creating this family together.  She is going to be a magnificent mother.  It will be a wonderful experience to be sealed together with Xander in the Logan Temple.

The skies over Columbus had been very dark up until our temple trip.  They cleared up as we were shooting pictures.  Going to the temple can make everything better.  The temple is an important part of our lives, I just wish we had one closer to us in Pinon.

I enjoyed the temple grounds from this viewpoint especially.  This is from a near by park area that is also owned by the church.  There is the temple, this recreation spot, and a church building all sharing the same parking lot.  This is one of my favorite pictures of the day, Pam with the temple.  She has been reading in the Book of Mormon as well as reading a book by Boyd K Packer about the temple.  She feels nervous about the whole experience, but then so was I when I was going through it.  She also read the teachers manual for the Temple Preparation Class.  Going through the temple with her will be wonderful.

This temple was the 60th temple in operation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  It is wonderful that the church is growing the way that it is and bringing the light of the restored truth to all the world.  I am grateful that we were able to come back to the Columbus Temple again.  I am looking forward to being with Pam and my family in the temple in the coming month and then to going there with our little Xander and become one as a family for time and all eternity.