Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Time with Mom and Dad - Lake Wheatfield and White House

We had a picnic with Mom and Dad at Lake Wheatfield.  I've been there in winter, summer, and fall now.  Summer I mainly just drove thorough.  In winter I walked on it.  It was a nice time with my parents in the shade taking in the sights.  It's good to have places to go where the trees are bigger than "Big Tree" and things are greener.

We talked about a lot of different things with my parents.  One subject that came up a lot was how strange the trees were.  There are many of them that are growing in every which direction and some that seem to have branches growing in the wrong direction.

 We wanted to go back to Canyon de Chelly to check out the White House Ruins.  I was hoping that Dad and I would take the hike down to them since I haven't gotten to do that yet.  Dad heard that it was three miles and decided that he was too tired.  Oh well, I'll hike it one of these days.

 Mom thought these swirling patterns on the rocks were pretty cool so she had me take a picture of them.

That's as good of a picture that I can get of the ruins from the top of the canyon.  I hear that close up they are amazing.  Around a hundred people used to live in this settlement that we are looking at.

 This tunnel marks the beginning of the hike down to the ruins.  Dad had his picture taken by me at the entrance of the tunnel, then he took my picture on the other side of it.  The rocks that form this tunnel aren't really attached to the mountain, which made us wonder if the outer rocks would fall off the cliff one of these days.

Anyway, Dad and Mom are back in Utah safe and sound and Pam and I are doing well.  We are very excited that my Mom in law will be here this week.

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