Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Monday, October 17, 2011

Time with Mom and Dad - Canyon de Chelly

This stack of rocks that make the pillar on the top of this mountain is considered sacred.  No one knows how those rocks were stacked so perfectly.  The people believed for a long time that it was a man guarding the canyon.  It is still believed by many traditional Navajos that this pillar was built by the spirits to protect the area.

 Here we are at Massacre Cave Overlook.  This is where Spanish Soldiers attacked the Navajo people in 1805.  The Spanish describe it as a battle rather than a massacre, but that's history for you, it all depends on who is telling the story and why.

Here are some pictures of what are left of the ancient ruins from the Anazasi people that were here long before the Navajo.

The next several pictures are from a different location in Canyon de Chelly called the Mummy Cave Ruins.  It's called that because of two very well preserved mummies that were found there.

Everywhere you go in Canyon de Chelly there are artists trying to sell their wares to the tourists.  Mom and Dad ended up getting us the bear from this stand.  The line on the bear going back from its face is its lifeline.  The white circles on its back are for the four seasons.  The hand on the bear represents welcoming people into your home.  The cross shape on it represents the four directions.  The triangular lines represent our connection with bears in that we both need water to survive.  To the side of the bear there is also a symbol for the circle of life.

After this we went to Lake Wheatfield for lunch and then to White House Ruins.  It's getting late though, so I'll save those pictures for another posting.

Mom and Dad are home safe now and we are very grateful for their visit.  Love you Mom and Dad!

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