Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wrestling Banquet

Tonight I held the wrestling banquet and honored my student athletes from the middle school who worked so hard with me this last season.  It was a great success thanks to my wife Pamela who helped plan the event and even made two cakes for it.

Living in Navajo Nation things are done very differently than in the rest of the world.  It is customary to start any event with a prayer in Navajo.  I felt excited for the opportunity since it would be one of the final times that I would ever get to hear a Navajo prayer.  However when I asked for volunteers everyone remained silent.  My son Xander however took the opportunity to publicly sing the ABC's as loud as he could.  I encouraged him and helped him.  Everyone clapped for him.  He was pretty proud of himself.

After Xander's performance I asked again if anyone would pray in Navajo, when no one responded I prayed in Spanish.

Many more of the students showed up as the families were getting food to eat.  All but one of my wrestlers attended the event.  Once we had a good crowd and people were no longer in line to get food I handed out the awards and I also told them that I would be leaving Pinon.

So much food was brought to the event that there was a lot left over.  I kept joking with the wrestlers that it was okay to go get more since they would not have to make weight in the morning.  I love this sport and the students I have coached.  I will miss nights like this out here in Pinon.

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