Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Monday, May 11, 2015

FEA Nationals

I was recently able to go on a field trip with a student and her mother to Washington DC to compete at the National Level for FEA.  It was quite an experience.

Library of Congress

The Supreme Court

I have been to DC only one other time.  During that visit the dome of the capital building was under construction as well.

Monument to Grant

This is the plane used in the movie Planes as Skipper.  Seeing it made me miss my little boys.

Visiting the WWII memorial was very emotional for me because my Grandfather served in the Navy in the Pacific.

This is an email that I sent out when we returned from DC.

Good Morning,

As you may or may not know our very own JD Begay qualified to compete in Washington DC.  JD chose to dress traditionally throughout the trip to represent her community and nation.  She had several opportunities to discuss Navajo culture with many people and gave them good impressions of our community.

We had the opportunity to look around Washington DC and tour many of our national monuments.  I admit I slipped into Social Studies teacher mode a lot during that day.  It was a very fun experience that left us feeling tired, we walked about four miles.  The next day we were able to meet the Secretary of Education at the Department of Education building.  Attached is a picture of the group.

In JD's event the judges scored her highly for her presentation but sadly she did not place in the competition.  Despite this the judges were impressed by her, especially that she introduced herself in Navajo.  JD had qualified for this event by placing second here in the state of Arizona.

Just before leaving on the trip JD got her acceptance letter into GCU to become a teacher!

Please congratulate our future colleague in her remarkable accomplishments.

Thank you,

Mr. Maynard

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