Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

To be Pointy, or Not to be Pointy? That is the Question.

As you may or may not know, Angel was born with floppy ears.  The picture below was when she was still tiny and I was trying to get a picture of her with Bo.

When dogs get excited or curious they tend to lift up their ears like in this picture.  Normal dog behavior, seen just about every dog do it at one time or another.

Then one night, Angel sat up and her ears perked up and she stared out into the nothing for a long time as if concentrating on some sound or smell that I couldn't distinguish.  I thought it was strange after awhile that it held her attention for so long, but then her ears NEVER went back down.  In the picture below she is playing with her toys and her new perky ears.

A couple of days later I was watching her and I saw her perked up ears go all the way up.  There was just a small flappy section on her right ear and that was it.  I couldn't believe it, I had watched a floppy eared dog become a pointy eared dog.

Well, another crazy thing happened, her ears started to go floppy again!  One ear at a time as you can see below.  Most of the time now she is half way between pointy and floppy.  When she is excited and fully awake her ears are all the way pointy.  The more sleepy she is the more floppy her ears are.  In a day she will go from almost all the way floppy to all the way pointy and then back to floppy again.  It's pretty crazy.

 Another funny thing about this dog is as she's gotten older she has also gotten more spots.  At birth she had two very large spots on her back, like wings.  I was playing with her the other day and realized that those two spots had become one.  How else is this crazy dog going to change?  Will she be pointy eared, floopy eared, or inbetween?  Only time can tell.

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