Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Preparing for Thanksgiving - The Week of the Inlaws

This week was uncommonly hard for me.  Saturday I woke up and declared I would not go to the all day meeting on my day off because I didn't feel like it.  I REALLY didn't feel like it because a few hours later I lost dinner from the night before.
Pam and I both missed that meeting since she had to leave it early.
I continued to not feel well into the night, the dogs of course wouldn't let me sleep since they had locked themselves in the laundry room, which was flooding of course, and wanted out.  I didn't want to get out of bed since I felt very sick and didn't want to leave the warmth of the many blankets I had wrapped around myself.
Finally I had it, I got up and stormed into the laundry room only to step into ICE water.  It was ice water because it was that cold in my laundry room.  I looked at the dogs and said the first thing that came to mind, "What did you do?"  And promptly kicked them out of the house, where it was still very cold, but at least it was dry.
The next morning, still feeling sick I discovered the ice lake had expanded quite a bit during the night.  I went into the laundry room and found the problem, a slight leak by the hose connection.  I turned off my hoses and fed the animals.  The Fowles and Pam stopped by to check on me and loaned me a mop.  Moving made me want to vomit more and gave me headaches so I spent the day, when I wasn't mopping up, blogging about happier things.
Lesson plans had to be turned in and I still hadn't done them.  Monday I made a sub plan and that night I wrote a plan for Tuesday and Friday before I couldn't do anything else.  My sub plan for Monday was a disaster so I went into work Tuesday, still almost completely unable to move without having the urge to show everyone what I'd been eating lately.
Wednesday I thankfully started feeling better but of course a cold was trying to attack my weakened immune system.
Pam left with the student council that day to go to Phoenix on Tuesday.  She would be gone for two days.  While she was gone she got the news that her grandfather had passed away.  She called me at about 3 am Thursday morning and I wasn't very talkative.
  Now I tried to figure out sub plans for the next week since Pam and I had planned to take a week off when the worst happened.  Well, I got a call from the other Pam, Jeff Fowles watched my room as I went and talked with the other Pam for a while.
Jeff Fowles and I were talking about the Pams and we couldn't quite figure out which was which.  So we decided to stop calling them Pam, at least for that conversation, and start referring to them by their middle names, which worked out really well for us.
Pam finally came home, my Pam that is, and we started planning our trip to Ohio.  Lots of phone calls and lots of conversations later Dad helped us find some good tickets so that we could fly from Salt Lake to Ohio on Saturday, and then from Ohio to Salt Lake on Tuesday, spend Thanksgiving as originally planned in Utah, and then Pam and I got Monday and Tuesday off work so that we didn't have to come in till Wednesday - which means almost a full week with my family!
Friday was rough.  The students had no interest in being there and I just wanted the day to end so that I could get packed, get into an SUV with the one I love, and drive!
It was stressful but we did it - and left an hour before we planned.  We made great time and we were able to get to Price and get the puppies settled in for the night.  It was a stressful day but we did it and now we are on a plane heading toward my future inlaws home.  In less than a week we will both meet our future inlaws who are separated by about 1700 miles.
Crazy week, but at least its over.  I told Pam that after all this I thought that meeting the families would be the easy part.

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