Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pinon Road Signs

Here are some close up and distance pictures of the only two street signs that I know of on the dirt roads, Big Tree and Stop Sign Tree.
I spent a lot of time making fun of Big Tree when I was in Illinois for the wedding.  "Now these are big trees," I'd say.  I took Pam, Angela, Emma, and Bill Jones to see Big Tree the other week.  It is one of the biggest trees in this area for sure, but for us, it really isn't a big tree.  Bill was pretty funny, "Of course its a big tree, it was spray painted on!  Everything's true if someone spray painted it!" 
Maybe Medium Sized Tree would be a better name.  Either way there is a dirt road behind the tree, which is, of course, Big Tree Road.
Stop Sign Tree also has a road behind it.
These trees have always amused me and I've been planning on posting them for months now.
Finally, I have Big Tree and Stop Sign Tree on my Blog.

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