Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Safe and Secure

There was an incident here in Pinon almost a week ago now.  A female teacher was attacked at around 5 am at her home in the housing.  She lives on the street where Pam and I were living when we first got married.  Luckily she is doing just fine now.

Both of the attackers were caught, one of which ran away to Phoenix before they apprehended him.  The school went on lockdown as a result of the incident because the police had reason to suspect that our students were in danger.

To be honest one of the first things that went through my mind after the attack was whether or not to buy a gun.

Wild rumors were going that day as well, five women were supposedly murdered, there were no murders in Pinon that day.  It's like the shoot out at Bashas, when I wrote about it on the blog all the information that was coming to me was pretty consistent, there were 7 shooters and three victims.  In reality there was only one victim and three gun shots.  According to one of the rumors a member of my branch supposedly killed his wife and dumped her body that day.  Nope, she's still alive and well, the man hasn't done anything wrong.

I think that's the thing I dislike most about being in a town this small, all the news is gossip or rumor.

Security goes on a lot more rounds in the housing at night now as a result of what's happened.  If I'm up late and watch out my window I'll see them drive past with their search lights every once in a while.  I'm not going to say how often in case some psycho is reading.  But the increased rounds plus the fact that the men have been caught have been helping us feel better and get back to normal and to feeling safe and secure.

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