Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Distractions while Teaching

Most lessons a person will ever teach, whether they are in school, at church, are as a missionary, as a mentor, or whatever else will have a moment where things get slightly sidetracked, and there is nothing wrong with that.  Sometimes it destroys the lesson, sometimes it improves, and sometimes it really has no impact whatsoever.

Today in Sunday School I taught about the Apostle Paul.  Paul was whipped 5 times, shipwrecked three times (he said that in all he'd been in the ocean a day and a night), stoned and there was even a time when he had to escape from a city by being lowered down a wall in a basket while the military was looking for him.  He also talked about his imprisonments and such.

It was after we read about how he was lowered down in a basket that someone in the class remarked that they should really make a movie about Paul.  Yes a movie about him would be pretty exciting, I have to admit.

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