Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Error in Family Search

I’ve been looking at our family tree on familysearch.org and I have been looking a few people up this morning.  I was getting excited but I ended up finding an error on the family tree which means that none of these people are actually related to me.  Still had fun though.

Pacatianus was a soldier in the Danube Legions.  He was known as a usurper of the Roman Empire.  He proclaimed himself to be emperor and started marching toward Rome.  Very little is known about him and his life since his own men murdered him before he could arrive in Rome.

His grandson Valerius Licinianus advanced through the ranks of the Roman military and eventually was married to Emperor Constantine’s sister.  He was given a portion of the Roman Empire to rule.  At this time the Empire had been spilt into four sections.  The emperors turned on each other until only he and Constantine were left.  They made a peace agreement that did not last since Constantine wanted the entire empire.  Constantine defeated him and forced him into exile.

Licinanus’ great grandson was the last Roman Emperor ever to rule over the entire empire.  Flavius Theodosius also known as Theodosius the Great started out in the military.  He served in Britain as well as on the border with Germany.  He was briefly exiled but then brought back due to a desperate situation.  He served so well that he was made a Roman Emperor in 379.  As emperor he made a treaty with the Visigoths. He led the visigoth troops against a dangerous usurper and beheaded him.  After a brief excommunication he became a die hard Catholic and oppressed pagans and even closed down many temples.  After defeating another usurper he briefly reunited the empire.

His daughter ruled the empire after he died.  With the sack of Rome by the Visigoths she was carried away out of Rome and forced to marry the King of the Visigoths.  Our tree has her together with the King of Thuringia.  From what I’ve read his wife should be Amalaberge d’ Ostrogothie.  While he has a very similar name to the King of the Visigoths and they lived during the same time period this mistake is massive.  Like I said though, it was still fun.

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