Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Baby Curtis

Curtis Emanuel Edwin Maynard was born February 10, 2014 at 6:19 PM, he was 19 inches long and 6 pounds 12 ounces.  He is such a sweet little man.

Curtis shortly after he was born.

Little guy is so different from Xander in so many ways.  He has darker hair and lighter eyes.  He is a night owl whereas Xander likes to sleep through the night.  Like Xander he was very aware and alert from birth.

We are so happy to have our new little addition to the family.
Xander has taken time to get used to being a big brother.  I introduced them shortly after Curtis was born.  Xander waved to his new little brother and then proceeded to ignore him, occasionally he would pat him on the head.  For awhile the only time Xander would acknowledge his brother is when Curtis needed something.  Xander would point this out to us.

Recently Xander has discovered that Curtis has thick soft hair.  He likes to nuzzle his brother.  Last night when Jane was taking care of the boys on her own Curtis started crying.  Jane was busy getting something for Xander so he went to the fridge and opened it up.  Jane tried to tell him that she was working on it when to her surprise, Xander handed her Curtis' bottle and said, "Baby."

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