Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, September 16, 2011


I went out to teach with the Elders last month.  I saw a "house", this is what it was Literally made of...
Bed Sheets
Juniper Branches
Sheet Metal
The nicest thing about it was a lamp.  It was a nice lamp, but other than that, wow.  I was very tempted to take a picture of it just because it was so shocking.  It's moments like that, that really make you feel grateful for what you have.

On a more funny note, I went out with the Elders again last night.  Elder Baugh and I came to a point in the road that was being washed over by a fast moving wash(place where it flash floods) we decided not to risk it and to turn around.  It turned out that it wasn't that bad and we could have driven through it no problem, we did however get stuck turning around.  I was very grateful that it wasn't me driving.  His choice of where to turn around wasn't wise.

I also got to help a new 1st grade teacher, his wife, and child move in last night.  They are members of the church!  He went to Italy on his mission and is excited to have a calling!  I'm very excited that this family has moved in, they will be a help to our branch.

I have a gorgeous wife who loves me and a baby on the way.

These are just a few of the things that I've been feeling grateful for lately.  Love you guys.

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