Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Sunday, March 27, 2011


This month has been interesting in a number of ways.
It started out with a great conference for educators on the Holocaust and how we should be moral and active individuals.  It was an amazing experience.

Then I went on a ski trip with the sophomore class.  Pam and I took them to I am Number Four which was a cool movie.  It was a great way to relax.  After the movie the kids decided to take me into the pool against my will.  The kids hadn't believed me when I said I wrestled in high school, one girl had even said that I had the physic of a nerd.  I went toe to toe with an all state wrestler and stayed dry.  I'm just glad I've gained so much weight since high school cause that's the only reason I didn't get thrown in that pool.
The kids had thrown in another teacher and two student teachers while we were at the movies.  After the failure to put me in they didn't even try to touch Pam.
The next day the kids went skiing and had a very difficult time with it, Pam and I worked on lessons and watched the stuff while the kids fell down.

Pam and I discussed the housing issue further and decided that it would be better for the dogs and better for her to move into her house after the wedding instead of moving into mine.  The dogs now live in Pam's backyard so I'm there every morning to feed them.  I also moved three bookcases, a desk, a TV, the X-box and several random possessions over to her house so that we can have a head start on the whole moving thing and not have to do it all at once.

I got my final evaluation for the year at work this month.  Not as favorable as I would have liked but I was assured that I have a job next year and they realize that I am still growing as a professional.  One of the things I got really high points for was professionalism which I really appreciated.

The snowing continued this month despite the fact that spring began.  The first day of spring was celebrated by a winter storm.

Gang related stuff has started to pick up this month around the school with more tagging going on as well as a fight in school and an attempted incident at the elementary school.  I got sick and tired of seeing Sur 13 written on the walls especially since its a sign of the Mexican Mafia, and none of the rez kids are Mexican Mafia.  So I pointed that fact out.
There was also a shooting at Bashas were a man was killed because of a family feud of some sort.

Yesterday was a spiritual high note.  Pam and three others went and did baptisms for the dead for the first time.  It was my first time performing the ordinances in English which was fun.  Pam was absolutely glowing after being in the temple.  Afterward we took a picture outside the Snowflake Temple.  I'm thinking of printing it out and having it framed.  It was a great day for us, we smiled a lot and talked about eventually getting sealed in the Logan Temple.
Today I found my patriarchical blessing which was also very special to take a look at.  We also worked on getting the house a bit cleaner this weekend.

The War of the Tonsils have also played a major part in this month.  Pam has finally set a tentative date for her operation to get the suckers out.  She has gotten very frustrated with being sick so often.  Luckily she has been feeling better lately.

The thing we are the absolute most excited about though is that we have only one more month to go until we are going to be happily married in the great state of Illinois and then its off to Cancun!  We can't wait.

So, how do I describe March in one word?  I don't know that I can.  I just know its been eventful and its not quite over yet.  Eventful, sure, I'll run with that.

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