Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Temple Trip!

It has been hard to be so far away from a temple.  Last Sunday I just felt like I HAD to go to the Temple.  I hadn't gone since moving to Pinon!  Since I didn't have my driver's license yet since my Utah one had expired (Got a temporary Arizona one yesterday) I needed a ride.  The Huxholds wanted to go to the temple as well and they drove me and went to the 2:00 session with me.
Here are some pictures of the Snowflake Temple.

It felt great to be able to go back into the temple again after so much time!  The entire time however my mind was on Pam and how much I was looking forward to going through with her and being sealed together with her.  I love you honey!

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