Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Larsen Kids Have the Camera Phone

These are a few fun pictures from Christmas Break that were mainly taken by the Larsen kids who decided to have fun with Pam's phone.

Halo and glaring pictures seemed to be what was popular that night.  The halo is really just a pool ring, which is an odd thing to keep in the house and put on your head, but oh well.  Kids are fun like that.

This next picture was how we had to travel during the trip, just to give an idea of the crowding.

There could be peace as long as Bo was in the middle.  It's hard to believe how big Angel and Clara became.  Angel is now only slightly smaller than Bo.
Christmas was very special for a lot of reasons, I wanted to write about it before now, but I didn't want to do it without the pictures.  Pam and I being together was great.  Having her Mom there with my family was also wonderful.  In addition to having a birthday party for Gracie (where I got sick), celebrating Christmas, planning wedding stuff, getting our engagement pictures taken, playing with my nieces and nephews, I was also able to take Pam and her Mom to see the Salt Lake City Temple.
Christmas time was just beautiful.  Glad I finally wrote about it.

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