Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Sunday, September 5, 2010


This is Bo, I finally discovered the secret of getting him to calm down.  He has to have his own chair.  He has always really loved jumping up on people and he has also really liked sitting in chairs next to people.  In Utah where we lived before, everytime I tried to sit down he would try to sit in the same place first.  Letting him have his own chair in the house lessened his need to jump on me and other furniture and kept him under control.  I don't know why but this dog LOVES chairs.
This little girl is Angel.  She was born shortly after or maybe even just before I arrived in Pinon.  Her mom is a stray who is house trained and a very well behaved and nice dog.  Pinon has a real stray dog problem, right now most of them are friendly, more or less, but in the winter from what I hear, they form packs that are dangerous.  My principal was the first one to suggest that I adopt one of the puppies.  From that moment on I couldn't get the idea out of my head, and she and I connected very quickly.  In the picture she is inside a tub that I made into a bed for her and she is using her chew toy as a pillow.

This was my attempt to get the two dogs in the same picture together.  Angel had grown tired of playing with Bo and decided to come into my lap and Bo moved at the last moment so that the picture just barely doesn't work.  Because Bo is so hyper I wondered how well he would get along with a puppy.  He has amazed me by how gentle he's been and just how well he is able to play with the puppy.  Angel has realized that he won't hurt her, now that she knows this she will charge him and chase him everywhere.

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  1. I'm about to make our blog private. I need your e-mail so I can send you an invite. Leave a comment on our blog or send me an e-mail at shawnamaynard@hotmail.com
