Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Washington DC and Job Hunt

My student, JD Begay, qualified to compete in FEA at the National level. We are now waiting for our first flight out of Phoenix Sky Harbor.  It is such a great opportunity to travel with this student and her mother as we go to our nation's capital!

It is also a very nice break for me.  Since Pamela obtained her job I applied for over 100 jobs in and around Memphis.  I finally got a bite with the Innovation Zone Schools in Shelby County.  The "I Zone" schools should be a good opportunity for me.  I have signed a letter of intent with them and I am now working on getting placed in one of the schools in that network for either an English as a Second Language Job or a Dual Language Immersion Job.

While I am excited to have a job I also don't have a job.  It has been a major source of stress on the family.  I spend a lot of my time checking emails and trying to make phone calls.  I will still be doing this on the trip but it won't be as intense, I am here for my student and that is what matters on this trip.

For the Dual Language I will have to add new components to my teaching certificate.  I will be looking into different methods of how to do this and talking to the state of Tennessee.  We'll have to see what happens.

I am going to miss Pamela terribly on this trip.  Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary.  It does feel a little strange to be apart during this time of year, but our school board has a new policy that forbids spouses from chaperoning together.  I am not sure why this policy is in place but it is what it is.  It is nice that JD's mother was able to come.

I miss my little boys.  Xander started pre-school last week and I have gotten to drop him off every morning.  It has been a wonderful experience seeing him play in that colorful classroom and interact with the other children.  Curtis enjoys getting his Grandma Jane and all of the toys to himself.

A complicated issue we have with Arizona and Navajo Nation is that Navajo Nation uses Daylight Savings Time and Arizona does not.  Every time we go somewhere in Arizona our time changes.  Not confusing at all right?  So we have come to the airport very early.  Oh well.  It is not an issue that our family will have for much longer.

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