Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, April 12, 2013

Big Moments of 2012 - Little Late but Better than Never

Big Moments of 2012

2012 was a big year for our family.  So big in fact that I haven't blogged since April.  Let's take a look at what made 2012 one of the best years and one of the hardest years of our lives.


January was a big month for our family.  It started out terrible.  Pam went out of her way to cook a wonderful New Year's dinner and I threw it all up.

I was interviewed by the Navajo Times and appeared in the Newspaper talking about my wrestling team.

Most important thing ever, Xander was born.


Pam and I had our first Valentine's as a married couple.  Even though I was sick yet again on a holiday we made the most of it.  I spread little papers throughout the hallway of our home thanking her, telling her I loved her, and other notes like that.

Pam came up with a neat romantic scavenger hunt for me that was a lot of fun.

One of my wrestlers placed 4th at state.


I started writing professionally, again.  Using the KDP program from Amazon I published about 11 books in the month of March.  Everyone wonders where I found the time, I was up all night with a baby, that's where I found the time.  Not only that but a bunch of those books were already in progress for a few years before 2012, some were getting worked on over 10 years ago and all I needed to do was finish them up.


Pam and I had our first anniversary!  To celebrate with our little man we went down to Cape Verde, one of the coolest places in the state of Arizona.  We just so happened to get there on a Free Friday!  We were able to visit the old fort, the prison, the archeology society, and a few other attractions for free!  We were also able to listen to live music as we ate at a historic saloon.  Xander really seemed to enjoy himself, that kid loves music.

The next day we went to the Out of Africa park and were able to see a lot of really cool animals.  Xander absolutely loves animals.  He really enjoyed a show with guys playing with grizzly bears.  It was really neat.


Pam and I travelled together to Las Vegas for business.  We learned all about the Accelerated Schools Program.

While in Vegas we also went to the Temple which was a really neat experience for us.  The Las Vegas Temple is such a gorgeous place.  For a while we were worried we wouldn't get in because it was so crowded.

We also got to see Ka by Cirque de Soleil which was an amazing show.

Returning to Pinon was kind of scary.  Jeff was released as Branch President and I was interviewed and given the calling.  I was now a Branch President at age 27!


June was a big month for our family.  We went to Utah to see my family and to get sealed in the Logan Utah Temple as a family.  It was a very wonderful experience to be in the temple with my sweetheart and our little man.

It was also when my Dad and Mom were moving to South Carolina.  It made for a hectic visit since we were arranging a second wedding and moving boxes around.  I twisted my knee very badly during the move and didn't regain my full mobility till the school year started.


July started off wonderfully and ended badly, but even in the horrible moments the Lord was watching over our family.

We got to go to the parade in Dublin, Ohio for 4th of July.  A photographer thought that Xander was so cute waving his American Flag that our little guy ended up in a local newspaper.  He also got to watch Red White and Boom.

We left Ohio for a trip to Tennessee.  We left right before a major storm.  Most of the time we were in Tennessee the power was out in Ohio.  We were having such a good time together with Pam's grandparents that we decided to spend the holidays in South Carolina and Tennessee.  Xander loved an incredible aquarium that we went to see, especially the penguins.  Yet again we left the state right before a major storm.

We went back to Ohio where things did not go well.  We couldn't wait to get back to Arizona.

In Arizona we had a big scare.  Pamela started to feel bad at work one day.  The next day she went back to work but had to come home early.  I took her to Chinle hospital at the perfect time.  There were very few people in the waiting room and we were able to get her seen very fast.  They found out it was a blood clot and she had to be life flighted to Phoenix.

Before she left I gave her a blessing with Jeff Fowles and promised her she would be okay.  That blessing gave me a lot of comfort as I drove down the next day with Xander.  By the time I arrived Pam had already been operated on.

During her hospital stay her Mom came to see us from Ohio to help out and Emily's relatives in Gilbert were good enough to take me in so I wouldn't have to stay in an expensive hotel.  We are forever grateful for their hospitality.


Pam and I started our third year teaching here in Pinon.


October is a very special month for us since it is the anniversary of when we started dating and when we got engaged.


Pam and I celebrated our first Thanksgiving in Pinon with Emma and Tommy.  It was a wonderful time to be in our new house with our friends and have a quiet holiday.


For the month of December I went to the Carolinas for the first time where we spent our Christmas holiday with my parents.  After that we went back to Tennessee for the New Year!

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