Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Go Go Go

Xander has a new favorite word and it is GO!  It pretty much defines what he's all about right now in his life.  He wants to go, go, go and having a good time playing with stuff, especially if Mommy and Daddy don't want him to have that particular stuff.  He also likes to help sweep and vacuum.  He's very fond of Melody, a kitten we rescued.  He's our happy little man.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ending the School Year

Things have been hectic as of late.  Since my last post I have done a tremendous amount of work to get caught up with grading and such to end the school year.  I have conducted three funerals and a wedding.  We finally went to the Grand Canyon as a family after living in Northern Arizona for three years, and I have published some more books on Amazon.  Pamela's grandmother passed away yesterday as well.

So much excitement that there is hardly any time to write about my own life.  When I do write I've been either working on the story of Roan, or on the Historic ABC's series, which is currently my money maker.

Xander continues to grow up and to say more words.  He adores Melody, a kitten that we rescued, and Angel.  He is currently calling all dogs Angel.  He had the word Doggie, down before but now they are all Angels.  It's common in language learning for children to do that so I just enjoy the cuteness of it.  He chases her around the house calling her name.

It looks like I'll be teaching US History and Spanish I next year, but honestly who knows.  They've changed their minds about what I'll be teaching so many times now that at this point I'm up for anything.  It's nice to be certified and highly qualified in several areas, makes me flexible.

Our trip to the Grand Canyon was a ton of fun but very short.  We rode up on the Grand Canyon Railway.  The historic train drops you off at the Grand Canyon and then picks you back up later in the day.  The train also stops to allow train robbers on.  We were warned that anything we gave them would not be given back, it's their tips.  Since I had nothing I could part with I just sat back and watched the show.  One lady got really into it, "Oh please, oh please don't take my ring!  Take this instead," and handed him money.

Tomorrow is our last day of school and then we have two more working days.  Pam will do a week of summer school.  Then its off to vacation!  Hopefully my Bloggie Camera will be fixed by then so I can start posting photos again.