Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Friday, June 5, 2015

Signing Off

I have truly loved my time here in Pinon.  Teaching the students here, whether it was History, Spanish, Wrestling, Cross Country, or Education Professions, it has been a privilege and an honor.  I have come to love the Navajo people and their land.  This experience has become etched onto my very soul.

In addition to being a teacher at a public school I have also been able to perform many services for the church as a 1st Counselor, an Elder's Quorum President, a Branch President, and a Clerk.  I have performed two weddings, six funerals, and given countless lessons from the Holy Bible and Book of Mormon.

Most importantly while here I have grown as a person.  I have gotten married to a wonderful woman and had two beautiful sons.  I am so glad that God has allowed me to have all of these wonderful experiences and that I have been so honored to have.

Coming here and living this life has been very similar to when I was a missionary for two years in San Jose California.  Back then I dedicated myself to the Lord and helped my fellow man 24/7 for two years.  I have been here five years and while I have been allowed to be more selfish here and do many things for my own benefit, I have done an incredible amount of service here.

Just as I miss the people of San Jose, California, I will now miss the people of Pinon, AZ.  These lands have become a big part of who I am and where I will be going.  My next adventure is Memphis, Tennessee.  In addition to a new job I am looking forward to earning my masters degree.  I hope to see you there.

If not, perhaps you should come to Pinon.  Meet its people, taste its food, enjoy its art, and serve this community.  There is a great need for good teachers here.  I know that someone needs to take my job.  Pinon is the number one school district in Navajo Nation.  The students are great, I love them.  This is more than a job it is a life experience that will benefit you in every way imaginable and it is an adventure.  I believe that as humans we need adventure, we need wonderful and unique opportunities to go out and do something incredible.  I have taken the path less traveled, will you?

Will you venture out of comfort to a the place where the road ends and the wild west begins?  I hope that you will.  This is a great community and they need you.

Wishing you all the best,

Brent Maynard
Husband, Father, Elder, Educator
BA in History

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Xander's Preschool Promotion Ceremony

My little buddy is finishing up a partial year of preschool.  To celebrate those who are promoting to kindergarten and those who have finished but aren't quite ready to move on, we had a Pre-K Promotion Ceremony today.  Students sang and danced for the parents.  It was really cute.  Xander was not feeling it.  He was still pretty tired when the ceremony began and Daddy taking away his toys probably did not help.  He spent most of the ceremony in the audience with us.  He at least got to walk on the stage and his teacher delivered his awards.

Dropping him off at preschool has been a lot easier lately.  He has really gotten into their routine.  Having him in preschool has been a big blessing.  He is speaking more and interacting with friends.

Staff Honored at Pinon 8th Grade Promotion

This year my wife Pamela has worked as the Dean of Students at Pinon Middle School.  She has worked tirelessly on many projects and in sponsoring several activities.  While her main job in the school was discipline she did much more than that.  She went above and beyond what was expected of her and she had a relationship with every member of the 8th grade class.

I attended the promotion for a couple of reasons.  Pamela is my wife and I want to support her.  Also, many of her students have been on my Cross Country and Wrestling teams.

The students thanked their teachers and their principal who will be the next superintendent.  On the stage there were teal roses set out for all the teachers with thank you cards.  The students thanked their families and those who had given them support.  They had something special for my wife.

The students brought out a surprise for her.  She became very emotional and went up to thank the students holding the sign and ended up being thronged about with about a hundred students hugging her and thanking her, even the "trouble makers."

In addition to the students honoring Pamela, she was also recognized by the Pinon School Board members who were in attendance.  My wife has accomplished a lot here and has made herself a part of this community.

Xander Visits a Hogan

While at the zoo, Xander and his classmates were able to explore what is sometimes called a male hogan.  This type of dwelling was typically used in ceremonies verses the female hogan which is where families would live.  Traditional female hogans are only made nine logs high for nine months of pregnancy, today hogans are made of many different modern materials.  Even in more modern hogans with TV and electricity the floor is always dirt, this reminds them of their connection to Mother Earth.