Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Monday, May 9, 2011

Back at Home

Married life is great.  A lot of changes happened while Pam and I were gone.  Some of the bigger changes in the church.  President Huxhold is no longer the Branch President.  He is now the new 1st Counselor to the new Stake President.  President Fowles is now the Branch President and I currently have no church calling although I have been told that I will soon get a stressful calling that will quote, "Strain my marriage."  Dang it I only just got married!  Oh well, it will be fine, whatever it is.
Pam and I were shocked by a few other things when we got off the plane, first of all being just how cold it was in Arizona.  Phoenix was a mere 69 degrees and Pinon itself felt like late winter rather than a day in mid spring.
Soon after coming home my Pam had to leave again, leaving us both wishing that we could spend more time together.  She's back from her conference in Vegas now and we're both super happy about it.

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