Xander and Curtis

Xander and Curtis
Our little men

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Week Part Two

This first picture is from Pam's Sorority House.  Yes, I visited a sorority house, it was nice to see the Greek ladies that were so important to my Pam.
Anyway, getting back to the story at hand.  We finally got to slowly make our way to Logan, we avoided Sardine Canyon all together and went via Tremonton.  We didn't have a lot of time when we came back, we were told not to see Grandma but to go straight home since we were on a strict time table.  We got back to the home in Smithfield where we had a total of fifteen minutes to eat lunch at which point Pam went with the girls to go wedding dress shopping and I went to babysit my nieces and nephews that I hadn't seen in a long time.
We both had a lot of fun.  The girls loved Pam and said it wasn't awkward or strange at all, like she had always been there.  Being at the Larsen house was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it.
That night after the dress selection and children watching was over the missionaries came over to give the final lesson to my Pam so that she could be baptized.
Baptizing Pam in Smithfield instead of Pinon was extremely difficult.  It was a battle all the way.  Dad had gotten permission from the mission president in Utah but hadn't gotten it from the Farmington New Mexico Mission President since the Mission President here said that he would take care of that.  He didn't.  So, Thanksgiving Day I get a call that says that the Mission President is not pleased with what is going on mainly because he doesn't know what is going on.
I spent my Thanksgiving calling New Mexico trying to get through and resolve the matter.  Finally Dad was able to call him and explain a few things and apologize that things had not gone better.
Friday we had the baptismal interview and I did a phone relay between my Branch President and Dad's Bishop trying to get the proper permission to baptize Pam.
Saturday Night the baptism was beautiful.  I confused 120 S for 120 N, so we went in a little late.  We got in and got dressed and as we sat and sang the first song I felt so electrified and excited.  It was How Great Thou Art.  I pondered upon the words, how it spoke of creation, atonement, and the 2nd Coming. The whole Plan of Happiness was laid out, and our part in it as eternal companions.  It would all start for us that day with that baptism.  It was a beautiful spirit that I felt.
Dad spoke and then I performed the baptism.  I was very happy but also so nervous.  I kept having to remind myself that I needed to do the prayer in English - not Spanish.  I was so nervous that I put my hand in the wrong place so that I would plug her nose instead of having her do it herself.  Sean of course thinks this is hilarious.
Pam, when she looked up and saw the young faces of my nieces and a nephew she felt that it was truly meant to be that it was right for her to be baptized in Smithfield.
Jeff Fowles gave a good little talk about the Holy Ghost, Sean says he's me in 30 years.  After that the missionaries did a lovely musical number at which time my niece Emma decided she didn't like a painting hanging where it was.  She knocked it down and shattered the glass.  Despite the serious nature of the song the poor elders had a hard time keeping straight faces.  The song suffered a little and then recovered it for a strong finish.
Some other things that happened...
Quality time with puppies
Pam enjoyed the mountain views

And we got some great pictures of the temple, one of which I almost fell face first to get.

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